Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Episode 247: Swinging the Hammer of Demonetization

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How communities deal with bad behavior should be an ongoing debate. Private companies, though, today use “community standards” to steal both platforms and the cash they deliver. Hence, Episode 247: Swinging the Hammer of Demonetization.

In this episode, I read from: Joseph Bernstein's Harper's magazine article "Bad News: Selling the Story of Disinformation"; and from comments to a Veritasium video called "The Man Who Killed Millions and Saved Billions ('Clean' Version)" (yes, I scare-quoted "clean;" you'll find out why.) I recount from memory some details from the Vaclav Smil book Enriching the Earth: Fritz Haber, Carl Bosch, and the Transformation of World Food Production.

I play: Ted Stevens explaining the internet; Veritasium's host explaining the necessity of reposting his video; Pee Wee Herman's observations about large posteriors; and President Eisenhower warning of what the nation should resist. Matt Stoller opens the show backed by KMFDM's "Attak", and I close with Julie & Rolf & The Campfire Gang doing "Over the Rainbow".

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