Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Episode 124: I Want You

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Today, I explore a turning point, the historic but still fairly recent time when an English-speaking country chose not to order its citizens into battle, but to convince them to do so. The main message is this episode's title: I Want You.

Poster found here. Mustache seen everywhere.

In this episode, I share: a bit about phonics and the alphabet, detail I got from Kevin Stroud's great History of English Podcast; some detail about English nobility pronunciation-versus-spelling from Upton Sinclair's Lanny Budd novels; the Wikipedia page for Lord Herbert Kitchener; and details about Great Britain's entry into the Great War from Tim Wu's book The Attention Merchants: The Epic Struggle to Get Inside Our Heads.

I play: Lee Rosevere's tune, "The Dead Past" (the title alone seemed appropriate enough); and Enrico Caruso's version of "Over There". I open with Chuck Mertz from This Is Hell backed by KMFDM. I hope to explain why I played the Mertz introduction… later.

I'm releasing this and all my episodes under a Creative Commons 4.0 attribution, share-alike, and non-commercial license.

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