Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Episode 250: Addiction Through Engagement

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In business, simply maintaining the same level of profitability every year is regarded as failing; one must grow to thrive. But what if the product design is clearly dangerous to use? I explore this reality in Episode 250: Addiction Through Engagement.

In this episode, I read from: Ian Bogost's 2021 Atlantic article "People Aren't Meant to Talk This Much;" Shoshana Zuboff's book The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight For a Human Future At The New Frontier of Power; Jessie Singer's book There Are No Accidents: Who Profits and Who Pays the Price; and my computer's quickie dictionary.

Musically, I play: KMFDM backing Tristan Harris talking about what the tech companies are really doing in the opening. I close today with Mistle Thrush.

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