As we learn from George Orwell, the words we use limit what thoughts we can entertain. The Powell Movementeers spent millions over the decades to limit our political language, giving us what I hope to illustrate in this Episode 139: Fail to the Chief.
In this episode, I read from: my computer's quickie dictionary; and Wendy Brown's book Undoing the Demos. I play: the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz accusing the Wizard of humbuggery; D. L. Myers voicing the Powell Movement Stinger; and president Barack Obama speeching from his neoliberally humbuggered 2013* Inaugural and State of the Union speeches. (Seriously, I can't believe I used to think that guy was liberal in any way.)
Musically, I play: Raphae doing "Opening"; and Rue de Prague doing "From Limbos". [Note: For some reason, the links to these bands are defunct, and I therefore cannot provide links to these songs.] KMFDM backs Noam Chomsky in the opening, and I close with Mistle Thrush.
I'm releasing this and all my episodes under a Creative Commons 4.0 attribution, share-alike, and non-commercial license.
*I realized too late for re-recording that I had mistakenly said 2012 in the closing credits, not 2013. I regret the error.

NB: Happy news! D. L. Myers, voice of the Powell Movement and its stinger, has published his first book of poetry, Oracles from the Black Pool!