Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Episode 89: Gamers Gonna Game

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Podcasting is not an up-to-date pursuit. Some listeners arrive when the sound files are freshly minted; others years later. For that reason, it's best not to confuse later listeners with DailyExcitement!™ from the past now long forgotten. And since the closing topic for The Powell Movement is now quite a bit in the DailyExcitement!™ infotainment engorgement trough, I thought I would back up a bit, and discuss here in Episode 89: Gamers Gonna Game, a topic crucial to understanding the process by which the Powell Movementeers have gained such prominence.

I quoted nothing, really, only just kinda sorta noted facts presented in the entertaining Mary Pilon book, The Monopolists: Obsession, Fury, and the Scandal Behind the World's Favorite Board Game (Bloomsbury, 2015).

I also cut the closing segment very short. The body of the episode was recorded about a week and a half before the release date of Tuesday, October 17, 2017, simply to give me more time to visit with the out-of-town guests I mention in the show. Half-way through that visit, though, I fell ill with an as-of-yet undiagnosed embuggerance that left me bedridden for days on end, unable even, in one memorable case, to make it to the specialist that maybe had a chance of knowing enough for a diagnosis. (Pro-tip: when you're stuck in a waiting room, vomit loudly. You'll get whisked to more private places in no time!) I am feeling "better", meaning I can leave my bed; but I stumble about rather than walk, and type slowly so as not to anger the Annoyed Festerance making the opposite of eating all too common.

I did play: KMFDM backing Noam Chomsky mentioning the memo (thanks again, Kevin!); D. L. Myers intoning the series title; and Mistle Thrush at the close.

Just like the rest, this episode is being released under a Creative Commons 4.0, attribution, share-alike, and non-commercial license.

Now, if you'll excuse me, time once again for bed.


  1. In the last month, KMO has had on two guests that have talked directly or indirectly about Hanlon's razor. I was wondering what your take on it and how it would fit into the whole powell movement. I get that Obama is a secret Muslim is a crazy conspiracy, but then people turn around to say anything said about the right is the same kinda thing, particularly like conspiracy about the Koch brothers or trust funds determining classes taught in colleges or entire departments of colleges.

    1. Hey, tFF,

      I confess I've been behind in my own podcast consumption (due to the embuggerance with my health of late), so I haven't heard KMO's guests expound thusly.

      I do thank you for raising the possibility that I am completely cranking out the cranky material. I constantly worry that I do that anyway; it's good to get a reminder that I might be, well, nutz.

      That said, I think your question is important enough to cover in the 'cast, maybe even as the wrap-up episode to the Powell Movement Series.

      So, stay tuned (as they say)!

