Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Episode 219: "Not Totally Without Historical Significance"

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We are taught from childhood to save, because a penny saved can lead to a penny earned. What happens, though, when others have investments that take every penny we have? I explore this in Episode 219: "Not Totally Without Historical Significance."

In this episode, I read from: The Hipcrime Vocab's January 14th article, "The Big Housing Lie"* (which itself quoted other sources that I also read); Chuck Collins' book, The Wealth Hoarders: How Billionaires Pay Millions to Hide Trillions; an Atlantic article called "When Wall Street Is Your Landlord"; and Thomas Piketty's book Capital in the Twenty-First Century.

Bernie Sanders opens the show backed by KMFDM; and I close with Mistle Thrush.

*NB: Something changed between my email client's download and his blog entry's current title. Throughout the episode, I refer to the article as "The False Housing Crisis Narrative." Please don't let the discrepancy bother you.

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