Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Episode 144: WTN: The Thought Leader Three-Step

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Whenever you step on a stage, it's important to remember your lines, even if the very act of memorizing and later reciting those words warps and dominates your thinking… off-stage. I explore this in this Episode 144: WTN: The Thought Leader Three-Step.

In this episode, I read from: Anand Giridharadas' Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World; and from Daniel Drezner's The Ideas Industry. I recall without quotes an experiment first published in the Atlantic magazine.

I play: 100% Chevalier doing "La Mallette"* (which hammered out some segues); Podington Bear doing "Outmoded Waltz"; and Lee Rosevere doing "Under Suspicion"*. Henry Giroux was backed by KMFDM's "Attack" in the opening; and I'm now closing with Julie and Rolf leading the campfire gang in "Under The Rainbow".

Oh, and while you're here, leave a comment! If you leave it elsewhere, I'm unlikely to see it, or even know of its existence. Just saying. I'm releasing this and all my episodes under a Creative Commons 4.0 attribution, share-alike, and non-commercial license.

*Once again, things on the Inter Tubes, like source links, get moved around. I'll have to go through that music file of mine and do some serious updates. Soon. I promise.

Update: Friday, February 7, 2020: Through some Charlie Foxtrot of the data world, as listener ric2 pointed out to me, this episode uploaded for only a few minutes, then linked out giving a 404 error. I think I've fixed that; I need a few folks to try downloading to know if my delete-and-reupload works (the data equivalent of unplugging it, waiting, and plugging it back in).

More disturbingly, while trying to triage the FUBAR, I discovered I was unable to search for my podcast on the Fruity Toons store! It's happened before, so I'm not sure what gives. If anybody who subscribes through the Fruity Toons pod-aggregator will be so kind and let me know if it works for them, I would be greatly appreciative. Thanks!


  1. Hiya Jim. I am getting a 404 Error when clicking the "Play Now!" link.

    1. Hey, ric2.

      Yes, I just went to the stats page and saw that only 5 people had downloaded, so I knew there was a problem.

      I'm right now re-loading the episode into my host to see if that solves the problem. Fingers crossed!

      [Some time has passed]

      Okay, it worked for me. Let me know if you have any further problems.

      Thanks for the heads-up!


  2. You're welcome for the heads-up. The link above now works for me. Thanks for fixing.
