I have to say, it's exciting to witness a change in political winds almost the moment it happens…especially when it concerns legality in the world of online advertising! I share this change in the weather in this Episode 217: Chopping At The Golem.
In this episode, I read from: Matt Stoller's article from his newsletter Big, called "The Week CNBC Started to Panic"; and a synopsis of a brief filed by the Department of Justice concerning the legal break-up of the Alef Bet.

That image has lots of the pseudopods
from one company, doesn't it?
I play: the enraged and apoplectic Jim Cramer from CNBC. Musically, KMFDM backs Matt Stoller in the opening; I play a bit of incidental music from the December 12, 1953 radio version of Dragnet, stuff I found in an episode titled "The Big Pick"; and I close today with Julie & Rolf and the Campfire Gang doing "Over the Rainbow."