Question: Why is the largest river in South America called the Amazon? I recently re-read some important source material, and got some surprises on that and other important topics I hope you'll share in this Episode 210: FOB Prehistory, Lost & Found.
A researcher linked research!

Here, the same thing happened!
In this episode, I read from: Albert Bates' book The Biochar Solution: Carbon Farming and Climate Change; a Wikipedia entry on the Amazon's name; my computer's quickie dictionary; and one or two or three articles about biochar research. I also allude to Charles C. Mann's books on the impacts of the discovery and exploitation of the Americas, 1491 and 1493.

Biochar in close-up, from the third linked article!
Musically, I play: KMFDM, backing Mark Blyth in the opening; and I close with Julie & Rolf and the Campfire Gang doing "Over the Rainbow".