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After over eight years of doing this show, I still maintain the best source for show topics comes directly from listener feedback. I have listeners and commenters Pim and Dode to thank for this Episode 201: After Long Silence.
In this episode, I summarized a bit of Jacques Ellul's 1965 translation of his 1962 book Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes. I read from: two comments left by listeners Pim and Dode. Thanks to both of you for those insightful observations!I also read from: Jaron Lanier's book Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now; and an article that addressed misspellings in ads.
Musically, KMFDM backs a brand new intro I cobbled together with the voice and message of Douglass Rushkoff, concerning the inadvisability of customized news. I close today with Mistle Thrush.