Time to update you with some new, and some merely clarifying information on topics I have already covered. Why? There's magic in advertising, dark magic; but the more you know about it, the less it works on you. Hence, Episode 178: Knowing the Trick.

From the Signal article.
In this episode, I read from: my computer's quickie dictionary; Victor Pickard's book The Battle for Media Democracy; a Signal article titled "The" Fuckbook "Ads You Will Never See"; a John Michael Greer essay titled "The Mask of Disenchantment"; a passage from Jerry Mander's Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television; and a fun bit from Michael Pollen's book The Botany of Desire.
I play: a few excerpts from Vic Norman, the Clark Gable character from the 1947 MGM movie The Hucksters (where we also got the intro backed by KMFDM); Lee Rosevere's "Ingenuity"; and et's aptly named "Do Not Relax In Traffic". I close today with Julie and Rolf and the campfire gang doing "Over The Rainbow".
Oh, and many thanks to listener Pim who sent me the link to the Signal article over at the show notes some time back. It's Pim you should thank for the link to the notes now being included in the feed notes, which some of you get with your poddy apps. Thanks, Pim!