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Unions are more than just meetings and yelling at each other. I think. It sure seems that way. No, union activity in the workplace is a show of strength for one purpose only: to note the importance of the subject of this Episode 175: Negotiation, and….
In this episode, I share some formative events in my so-far short career of union activity. I read from: Henry George's 1879 book Progress & Poverty; and the John Nichols & Robert W. McChesney book, Dollarocracy: How the Money and Media Election Complex is Destroying America. I also recall from memory details from Upton Sinclair's 1917 book King Coal. Finally, I play the first of my tests on the stereo systems of a certain make of car that had been bedeviling me for the last month, but….
Henry Giroux noted the importance of learning one's civic literacy in the opening, backed by KMFDM. I close today with Mistle Thrush's "It's All Like Today."