Play Now!
Something has increasingly come between us; mediated our learning; butted in and substituted actual conversation for what we access on our devices. Sadly… who pays the piper calls the tune. Hence, Episode 167: Talk Blocked, or This Does Not Agar Well.
In this episode, I briefly read from my computer's quickie dictionary, and relay once again Upton Sinclair's Maxim. I play Ted Stevens sharing his revelation about what the Internet really is. Musically, I play Podington Bear doing the appropriately named "Degradation". Douglas Rushkoff opens the show backed by KMFDM in a brand-new intro (well, one I made some time ago and finally found an appropriate show to use); and I'm closing today with music from friends I actually on occasion talk to… well, used to talk to, and will talk to again, once we can hit the campfire… and the keg… and….